
Russian propagandist told how silly Zakharchenko prevented "one neighboring country" from fighting against Ukraine 10/08/2018 17:58:29. Total views 1240. Views today — 0.

The ex-leader of the “DNR” Alexander Zakharchenko only hindered the Russian command to continue fighting in the Donbass with his regular trips to the front line, and his personal “guard” wasted the budget of separatism in eastern Ukraine. This opinion was expressed by Russian propagandist Andrei Babitsky, who had settled in Donetsk since the occupation of Donbass.

Criticizing the thesis that Zakharchenko was a real defender, who “not only visited the front line all the time for inspection, but also fought”, the Russian frankly admits that Zakharchenko was commander-in-chief only nominally. Babitsky writes that visiting the front line was his personal and non-binding hobby, since the army of republics had long been the subject matter of one neighboring country (Russia - OstroV) and departmental forces subordinated to the will of the local leader spoiled the picture and burdened the budget".

According to the great sympathizer of Novorossia, the war in the Donbass was a kind of safari for Zakharchenko, in which he "enthusiastically played with the soldiers... The bloody game became for him the meaning of life".

Babitsky is very low on the managerial abilities of the liquidated leader of the “DNR”. “He was brave, but stupid and unsuitable for management”, - the Russian propagandist violates the custom to talk only something good about the dead.

“Do not interfere when you are not asked to and you are not needed at the front at all…”, - the Russian resumed.