
Militant recognized that pro-Russian fighters who occupied Sloviansk were not residents of Donbass 10/08/2018 15:04:30. Total views 1280. Views today — 0.

Pro-Russian fighters who occupied Sloviansk in 2014 under the guise of "people of Donbass" were not local militants. This follows from the message in social networks of one of the participants in those events, hiding behind the nickname Vandal Slavyansk.

Talking about the presentation of book 85 days in Slavyansk of Russian mercenary Alexander Zhuchkovsky, he praises it for the accuracy in details.

It is the accuracy in details that allows to hold that those whom Russian and separatist propaganda called "militiamen" were in fact strangers in the Donbass.

"The three-month battle for the city with the symbolic name of Sloviánsk (the pro-Russian fighters made such accent, the locals called Sláviansk) aroused the emotions, feelings and qualities that were deeply buried for several decades", - Vandal explains from the point of view of philology that the so-called "militiamen" who occupied Sloviansk were not local.