
One Ukrainian fighter killed, two more wounded in Donbass - JFO 10/03/2018 11:53:15. Total views 728. Views today — 1.

Russian occupiers have mounted 34 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbass in the past 24 hours, - the press center of the Joint Forces Operation reports.

The enemy used weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements 8 times.

The enemy provided aimed fire from 120mm and 82mm mortars, weapons of infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers of various systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms.

1 Ukrainian soldier of the Joint Forces was killed and another 2 were wounded in operational activity.

According to intelligence reports, three occupiers were killed and another three were wounded.

From the beginning of the day, the enemy shelled the Joint Forces' positions twice, including with the use of prohibited weapons. There are no casualties among our defenders.