
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 10/03/2018 11:04:56. Total views 768. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on October 2, Russian occupation forces violated the cease-fire 9 times, using weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements three times. This is reported by the JFO headquarters. In the afternoon, the enemy opened aimed fire from grenade launchers of various systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms at the Joint Forces' positions in the area of Krymske, Novotoshkivske, Orikhove, Luhanske, Starohnativka, Chermalyk and Pavlopil settlements. The occupiers fired at our strongholds near Orikhove, Luhanske and Starohnativka from 82mm mortars. The defenders of Luhanske were also fired from the IFV weapons.

Experts of Vodafone company have not yet received the necessary security guarantees for full restoration of communication in the occupied territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. This was reported by press secretary for Ukraine's representative to the Trilateral Contact Group for Donbass in Minsk Darka Olifer on her Facebook.

Educational institutions of occupied Luhansk received a directive on the forced attendance of employees at the Champions Cup of Donbass football match, which would be held on October 3 during the working time. This is reported by special correspondent of OstroV from Luhansk. State employees are obliged to appear for the match with passports and check in with the relevant responsible persons. The fact that the match is scheduled for 3:00 p.m., that is, during working hours, speaks of the initial intention of the organizers to ensure its attendance via the administrative-compulsory means.

Twenty-seven people stay in hospitals after alleged mass poisoning with drinking water in occupied Makiivka. It is reported by the press service of the fake "Ministry of Health", acting on the part of Donetsk oblast controlled by the militants. According to the information as of October 1, 116 people in Makiivka, including 86 children, went to the health care facilities as a result of intestinal infection.

Two miners were injured at work at the mines in occupied Donetsk and Makiivka on October 1. This is reported by the fake "Ministry of Emergency Situations", acting on the part of Donetsk oblast controlled by the militants. At the Shchehlovska-Hlyboka Mine in Makiivka, a shaft man, born in 1972, fell and was injured while rock clearing in the face. At the Zasyadko Mine in Donetsk, a shaft man, born in 1983, was injured by a falling out rock. He was taken to the trauma center.

Unknown persons stole 6 tons of aluminum from the territory of Luhansk Aircraft Repair Plant. "Sverdlovsk - you should know this" group writes about it in social network. "Yesterday, the chief security officer of the Luhansk Aircraft Repair Plant suddenly discovered (the key word here is suddenly!) that the factory warehouse No. 5 revealed the theft of 6 tons of aluminum for a total of nearly half a million Russian rubles", - the report said.