
Commissioner for Human Rights in Donbass told about mass poisoning by drinking water in occupied Makiivka 09/27/2018 11:16:51. Total views 1321. Views today — 0.

On September 25, in occupied Makiivka, Donetsk oblast, the mass poisoning of at least 39 civilians by the drinking water took place, Commissioner of the Ukrainian Parliament for Human Rights in Donbass Pavlo Lysyansky reported on Facebook.

"From Tuesday, the city hospital of Makiivka got the mass appeals on the feeling ill with such symptoms: ache in the abdomen, vomiting, shivering, temperature rise, in the grave cases – explicit intoxication and dehydration", - the message said.

The reason for the incident is the breakdown or failure of the disinfection system of water in Makiivka. The "DNR" knew about these problems and in the eve they even recommended to boil water for 5-7 minutes before the use of it.

"At the moment I know about 37 hospitalized adults and two children up to the age of nine (The data from the medical workers), part of people were sent to the hospitals of Donetsk, I could not get the information from that place. The local citizens continue to complain about the peculiar odor of the water. According to them, the water stinks of chemicals and medicines", - Lysyansky wrote.

Earlier local residents reported in social networks that the water in Makiivka had a pronounced chemical smell.

Only on Wednesday, the occupation authorities acknowledged that the problem really exists, and several dozen people from Makiivka, including children, went to see a doctor with subsequent hospitalization.

"According to preliminary data, the reason for poisoning is insufficient disinfection of drinking water. Due to the lack of chlorine in the relevant services, disinfection was partially carried out using manganese", - the report said.

This is how boiled water in Makiivka looks like