
A thousand "policemen" "caught" almost 360 people for violation of the curfew in the CDDO over weekend 09/17/2018 15:18:15. Total views 843. Views today — 0.

Almost 360 people were detained for violating the curfew in the occupied territory of the Donetsk oblast on September 15-16. This is reported by the press service of the fake "Ministry of Internal Affairs", acting on the part of the Donetsk oblast controlled by the militants.

The raid on the violators of the curfew is called the Night City preventive operation. Last weekend, the "operation" was conducted by about 1,000 fake "police officers" who checked 445 entertainment facilities in the CDDO.

"359 citizens were detained for violation of the curfew", - the statement said.

In early July, the occupation authorities reduced the curfew to four hours, from 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. But after the assassination of the leader of the "DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko on August 31, militants said that they "strengthened security measures and imposed a curfew from 11:00 p.m.".

Earlier it was reported that at first violators are detained until morning. They are forced to enroll their fingerprints, administrative protocols are drawn up. If one of them is caught by the "police" again, they will be detained for fifteen days.