
Theatrical "People's Council" extends powers of the "LNR" leader and his accomplices-"deputies" 09/06/2018 16:53:47. Total views 799. Views today — 0.

Calling themselves "deputies of the People's Council of the LNR" have adopted a "law" that prolongs the extension of term of office of the leader of the "republic" and "deputies" from four to five years. This is reported by the separatist media.

The reports specify that the extension of powers does not apply to the current leader and "deputies", but the "people's council" voted no decisions on "regular elections" to be held in November.

Earlier, at the behest of Kremlin, a group of "social activists" made a proposal not to hold elections in the "LNR", but to extend the powers of "head" and "deputies" for an indefinite period. After the liquidation of the "DNR" leader Alexander Zakharchenko, information appeared that the "elections" in the occupied Donbass - simultaneously in CDDO and CDLO - would still take place.

As previously reported, having flagrantly violated the already legally useless "constitution", Leonid Pasechnik declared himself temporary acting "head of the LNR". Until 2014, Pasechnik served in the SBU. With the beginning of the Russian occupation, he changed his oath to the Motherland and headed the fake "Ministry of State Security of the LNR".