
A disastrous situation. About one million Ukrainians leave the country every year 09/04/2018 12:12:28. Total views 775. Views today — 0.

Approximately one million Ukrainians leave Ukraine every year, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said on the air of the Svoboda Slova talk show on ICTV, - Ukrainska Pravda reports.

"We really have a disastrous situation - about one million Ukrainians depart every year. We predict this situation will unfortunately continue in the near-term outlook", - he said on Monday.

According to the latest data, 1.4 million Ukrainians live in Poland, he said.

In general, Ukrainians go abroad to work and settle in the neighboring countries, but many people go further to Europe and America in search of a better life.

As it was reported, about nine million Ukrainians go abroad every year for seasonal work. Minister of Social Policy Andriy Reva said that, according to the State Migration Service of Ukraine, more than 3 million 200 thousand Ukrainian citizens are constantly working abroad.