
OSCE mission records 70 ceasefire violations in Donbass on the first day of "truce" 08/29/2018 12:05:13. Total views 747. Views today — 0.

The OSCE SMM has recorded over 70 violations of the ceasefire in Donbass since midnight. This was stated by Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE SMM Alexander Hug, the page of the mission on Twitter said.

"From 00:01, the SMM recorded more than 70 violations of the ceasefire. The parties must fulfill their firm ceasefire commitments. The fire must stop right now in order to protect Ukrainians on both sides of the line of contact", - the report said.

As previously reported, a new ceasefire was agreed in Minsk at the meeting of the Tripartite Contact Group on the settlement of situation in the Donbass - from midnight on August 29.