
OSCE Mission to Donbass does not need protection of UN peacekeepers - Prokopchuk 08/27/2018 18:00:05. Total views 739. Views today — 0.

Observers of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in the Donbass do not need the protection of UN peacekeepers. This was stated by the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the international organizations in Vienna Ihor Prokopchuk during the press club of the 13th meeting of heads of foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine on Monday in Kyiv, Interfax-Ukraina reports.

"The OSCE has a clear point of view that the SMM does not require the UN contingent to protect them", - Prokopchuk said.

According to him, after agreeing and approving the provisions of the resolution providing for the creation of a UN peacekeeping mission in the Donbass, the OSCE is ready to join, if necessary, implementing the provisions.

The Ukrainian diplomat also noted that the OSCE does not address issues related to the mandate of the UN peacekeeping mission, its composition or number.