
Minister of Economic Development and Trade Abromavicius decided to resign 02/03/2016 17:14:26. Total views 1563. Views today — 0.

Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Aivaras Abromavicius decided to resign. It is reported by Ukrainska Pravda.

"My team and I do not want to be a cover for blatant corruption or controlled puppets for those, who want to control public money in the style of the old regime. I do not want to go to Davos to tell them about our successes, while behind our back some issues are solved in the interests of individuals", - he said.

"These people have names. And I’ll announce one name. It is Igor Kononenko," - the Minister added.

"As a representative of the political force that appointed me on the post of the Minister, lately he did much to block my work and the work of the ministry. At first, deputies from PPB, controlled by Kononenko, developed provision about my resignation, handed it to Vidrodzennya party and those eventually handed it to the Verkhovna Rada and collected 18 votes in several months,"- he said.

According to Abromavicius, Kononenko lobbied his people on the position of director of the Ukrkhimtransammiak company during the year, in which he had his own interests.

"Instead of helping me to overthrow regional Bondyk, he brought his own people, who ultimately controlled the enterprise jointly", - he said.

In addition, according to the Minister, deputies of the PPB, controlled by Kononenko, lobbied their people in Ukrzovnishinform powder metallurgy plants, Accreditation Agency of Ukraine and several other enterprises.

"The high point of the personnel lawlessness and desire to control all sources was the desire to have his deputy in the Ministry of Economy in charge of Naftogaz and other state-owned enterprises", - he added.

According to him, that candidate brought a complete package of documents and declared himself the new deputy from the Kononnko’s team two days ago. The candidate, according to Abromavicius, assured that his candidacy was agreed "at the top".

"After that, I received a call from the Presidential Administration, insisting to take the man and another one on the position of deputy Minister of Defense. I replied:" I'm not going to bea part of this split-up. And I asked them to release me from position," – said the Minister.

According to Abromavicius, then Abromavicius wanted to hear the report of Minister at PPB faction.

"After that, I said that I’d make it easier for Kononenko and his team and resign on my own," - he said.