
Declaration of non-recognition. The USA demands that Russia stop occupation of the Crimea 07/26/2018 12:00:30. Total views 1192. Views today — 0.

The United States of America will never recognize the annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea by the Russian Federation. This is stated in the declaration on the non-recognition of the annexation of the Crimea, which was published on July 25 by the administration of the White House with the signature of U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, reports LIGABusinessInform referring to The Associated Press.

Pompeo issued a statement titled the “Crimea Declaration” in which he said the U.S. will continue to insist that Ukraine’s territorial integrity be restored.

He said the U.S. would hold to its long-standing principle of refusing to recognize Kremlin claims of sovereignty over territory seized by force in violation of international law. And he called for Russia to respect principles it claims to respect and “end its occupation of Crimea”.

Pompeo recalled that in 1940 the United States refused to recognize the entry into the USSR of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The corresponding declaration was signed by acting Secretary of State Samner Welles.

The Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs linas linkevičius welcomed the American declaration: "I warmly welcome the declaration of Secretary of State Pompeo on the non-recognition of the Russian annexation of Crimea - a resolute voice in support of Ukraine, suffering from Russian aggression. The allies still stand in full solidarity with Ukraine".

Russia occupied the Crimea in 2014. On February 20, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada announced the beginning of the temporary occupation of the peninsula by Russia. Key international organizations, including the UN General Assembly, condemned the actions of the Kremlin. Against the Russian Federation, personal and sectoral sanctions were introduced.