
Four employees of Voda Donbassa company were killed, four more were hospitalized in the occupied Yenakieve 07/18/2018 12:43:42. Total views 1208. Views today — 0.

On July 17, four employees of the Voda Donbassa company were killed, four more were hospitalized in the occupied Yenakieve as a result of gas blow-out during the planned works in the sewerage and pumping station. This is reported by the press service of the fake "MES", acting on the part of the Donetsk oblast controlled by the militants.

"Yenakieve town, Zhovtnevoi Revolutsii Str, Sewage pumping station, SE Voda Donbassa - during the planned works in the sewage pumping station, gas was released, resulting in poisoning of 8 people, 4 of them died on place, 4 were hospitalized", - the statement said.

The injured employees were brought to Yenakieve hospitals.