
A member of the OSCE SMM in Donbass spilled internal documents to the FSB - media 07/17/2018 16:21:16. Total views 1366. Views today — 0.

Internal documents of the OSCE SMM observers in Ukraine were leaked into the Russian internal intelligence service of the FSB. This is reported in the investigation of ARD magazine Fakt.

It is noted that these are the internal reports of the mission about the events in the occupied territories of Donbass, as well as information about the communication of the deputy chairman of the SMM, Alexander Hug. In addition, there is a mini-dossier on the members of the mission among the documents. In particular, their character traits, drinking habits, financial status, types of women they like are described.

According to the investigation, the documents may have been sent to Russian agents by one of the staff of the OSCE mission.

"We are also very concerned about any violation of our security", - said Deputy Chairman of the SMM Alexander Hug. According to him, the OSCE will check this situation and take the necessary measures.