
Anti-corruption organizations appeal against the decision to appoint Pavlo Zhebrivsky as the NABU auditor 06/27/2018 17:38:55. Total views 1324. Views today — 0.

Ukrainian branch of the global anti-corruption network Transparency International, Anti-Corruption Action Centre, and NGO Automaidan have registered a claim against the President of Ukraine. The organizations appeal to the Supreme Court to cancel the Presidential decree on appointing Pavlo Zhebrivsky a member of the auditing committee for the National Anti-Corruption Bureau. This is reported on the website of the Ukrainian office of Transparency International.

They think that the appointment of Pavlo Zhebrivsky violates the law “On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau”.

The claim provides the line of reasoning why the member of the auditing committee for NABU appointed by the President does not meet the criteria envisaged by the job description for this position.

In particular they say that, Pavlo Zhebrivsky lacks sufficient experience of work in pretrial proceeding bodies, prosecution, foreign courts, or international organizations.

“Membership in the Ukrainian Parliamentary Delegation to OSCE, declared by Zhebrivsky, cannot be considered as such. OSCE does not have regular pretrial proceeding bodies, prosecution, or courts. The appointed committee member lacks corresponding experience in Ukrainian pretrial proceeding bodies either. Brief work in prosecution is not a “significant experience”, - the report says.

AntAC, TI Ukraine and Automaidan are firm that the work of this person within the auditing committee of NABU threatens the independent and effective work of the Bureau.

“The committee is authorized to perform significant functions and its members are allowed to receive confidential information on the course of investigation and interview NABU officers. Based on the committee conclusions, the Parliament may vote dismissal of the Director of NABU. AntAC, TI Ukraine and Automaidan believe that a person that lacks expertise stipulated by the law cannot objectively evaluate the work of detectives and management of NABU”, - the message states.

The organizations appeal to the Supreme Court to acknowledge the Presidential Decree No. 169/2018 “On appointing a member of the external auditing committee for the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine” of June 19, 2018 as illegal, and cancel it.

As reported earlier, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has appointed Pavlo Zhebrivsky as auditor of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.