
"STOP Transit of IDPs". IDPs picket the Cabinet (PHOTO) 06/27/2018 12:01:45. Total views 940. Views today — 0.

Several dozen displaced persons are holding a protest action in front of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

Their main demand is to launch and allocate additional funds for the implementation of the Affordable Housing program.

"Only $3.8 million is included into in the budget of 2018 for the program financing. It will provide housing for about 350 IDPs, ATO participants and young families. At the moment, more than 6 thousand families have applied for participation in the program. By the end of the year, this figure will be more than 10 thousand. We demand to additionally fund the program for $34.4 million. Annual allocation of $38.2 million will allow solving the housing problem of up to 4 thousand families", - head of the All-Ukrainian Association of IDPs Ruslan Kalinin says.

Participants in the action brought posters "STOP Transit of IDPs", "The Constitution is One, "The real is needed, not the paper".

According to the Ministry of Social Policy, as of June 25, 2018, 1 512 755 internally displaced persons have been registered in Ukraine.

Read more about the Affordable Housing program in "Affordable housing for displaced residents: the program is close to the edge".