
The decision to continue or discontinue work of Maryenka and Zaitsevo checkpoints will be made until noon – governor 02/01/2016 13:15:08. Total views 1502. Views today — 0.

The decision to continue or discontinue workoperation of checkpoints on the Maryenka and Artemovsk directions (Maryenka and Zaitsevo checkpoints) will be made until noon today. This was by the chairman of the Donetsk Regional Military and Civil Administration Pavel Zhebrivskyi on the air of the 112 Ukraina TV channel.

"The night was more or less (quietly - Ed.), although there were 53 shellings in Donetsk region. Today, including tyye fired at Zaitsevo, Maryenka, not so much at checkpoints. Generally, the decision concerning Maryenka and Artemovsk direction will be made until noon today,"- said Zhebrivskyi.

Earlier, the head of the Donetsk MCA reported that the checkpoints in the area of ​​Zaitsevo and Maryenka checkpoints wouldn’t open on February 1st if militants continued attacks that night.