
Opposition Bloc wants direct negotiations with terrorists of Donbass. Like Trump with North Korea 06/11/2018 13:18:28. Total views 916. Views today — 0.

Opposition Bloc wants direct negotiations with the occupation authorities of Donbass. This was stated by co-chairman of the party Yuriy Boyko on the air of Priamyi television channel.

"People want the end of the conflict and return of territories… We really see that the Minsk process is slow, therefore, we believe that we need to move to direct negotiations with the Russian Federation and so-called people's republics in order to stop the war", – he stated.

As an example of a peaceful solution to the conflict, Yuriy Boyko mentioned the history of the negotiation process between the USA and North Korea. "We see that the meeting of the U.S. president with the leader of North Korea is being prepared because the Americans need it. So I believe that it is also time for us to proceed with direct negotiations with those whom the cessation of this conflict depends on. And this is an open and honest position", – he said.

As previously reported, Ukraine's official position is based on the fact that negotiations with the puppet leaders of the occupied Donbass are useless since they act on orders from Moscow.