
Fake "Ministry of State Security of the DNR" detains Jordanian citizen for "preparing attempted assassination" of Basurin 06/06/2018 11:56:32. Total views 774. Views today — 0.

The fake "Ministry of State Security of the DNR", which operates in the occupied territory of the Donetsk oblast, states the detention of Jordanian citizen "for espionage in favor of Ukraine" and participation in the "preparation of attempted assassination" of the main propagandist of the "republics" Eduard Basurin. This is reported by separatist media.

"The SBU agent is detained – a citizen of the Kingdom of Jordan, Khaldun Nayef Sail Kharakhshekh, born in 1986", — the statement said.

It has been argued that in August 2016, a foreigner was detained by the SBU officers at the crossing of the Ukrainian checkpoint "Marinka" and began cooperation with the special services.

In the "DNR", Jordanian citizen is charged with "seizing and laying down arms, ammunition, audio and video recording tools, video recording of strategic facilities, transferring information about the location of military units of the DNR Armed Forces, military personnel and equipment".

The "Ministry of State Security of the DNR" claims that in the winter of 2018, the foreigner allegedly received a task to monitor the address of Eduard Basurin's residence, and the information provided by Khaldun Nayef Sail Kharakhshekh "was used to prepare attempted assassination of Basurin".