
Occupied Donetsk falls under the ground due to the termination of mine drainage - Chernysh 06/04/2018 17:50:25. Total views 723. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​occupied Donetsk, a subsidence of 25 cm is observed, the Minister for Temporary Occupied Territories and IDPs Vadym Chernysh said today at a press conference in Kyiv, OstroV’s correspondent reports.

"The consequence of the flooding of surrounding areas (in the occupied Donbass, - OstroV) is the subsidence of the surface", - he said.

The minister demonstrated a map showing subsidence of up to 25 cm.

"Via satellite monitoring we see that the horizontal layer is lowering, which means that the surface in the city of Donetsk actually subsides", - he said.

According to him, this is due to the termination of the pumping of groundwater from mines.

"Not only the waste areas and the mine sites are in danger, but also nearby residential areas, social facilities", - he noted.