
More than 70 people's deputies missed 90% of Verkhovna Rada voting in May 05/29/2018 17:18:10. Total views 1060. Views today — 0.

Fifteen people's deputies have never voted in May. This is reported by the Committee of Voters of Ukraine in the framework of the project "Literally".

A total of 12 plenary sessions took place in May, during which 462 voting were held.

Vadim Rabinovich and Yukhym Zvyahilsky (Opposition Bloc), Evgeny Murayev, Dmytro Yarosh, Andriy Biletsky, Kostyantyn Zhevago, Serhiy Melnychuk (non-affiliated), Petro Sabashuk, Vitaliy Chepynoha (PPB) and Denys Dzenzersky (People's Front) are among the deputies who did not vote at all (did not press "for", "against", "abstain").

"These deputies officially missed the VR voting for unknown reasons. That is, not because of illness or business trip, some of them were present in the Rada at the time of the vote, but they did not take part in it. For example, Vadim Rabinovich and Yukhym Zvyahilsky were registered at four meetings of the Verkhovna Rada in written form, Kostyantyn Zhevago - at two, Vitaliy Chepynoha - at seven", - the Committee of Voters of Ukrainereports.

The runaway people's deputies Yevhen Bakulin (Opposition Bloc), Serhiy Klyuyev (non-affiliated) and Oleksandr Onyshchenko (non-affiliated) did not vote in May as well. Viacheslav Konstantinovsky, who wrote a letter of resignation, and Nadiya Savchenko, who is being held in custody, also did not vote for obvious reasons.

Some deputies voted only a few times a month. Among them there are a number of well-known names. So, Vitaliy Khomutynnik voted only 11 times, Roman Zvarych - 15, Serhiy Kivalov - 22, Oles Dovgiy - 30, Natalia Korolevska – 39 and Oleksandr Vilkul - 40 of 462.

"In May, 71 people's deputies missed 90% of the Verkhovna Rada voting, what is twice as much as in April and is the worst indicator since January 2018, when nearly 127 people's deputies hardly voted. It is also interesting that some politicians have already complete holidays formally. Nevertheless, May was a relatively productive month in the work of the VR. More than twenty legislative acts were passed, including the law on organ transplantation. Also, a scandalous bill on banning palm oil and unlocking activity of the State Bureau of Investigations was passed in the first reading", - chairman of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine Oleksiy Koshel noted.