
The “DNR” ATMs stopped dispensing cash - social networks 05/24/2018 13:18:41. Total views 828. Views today — 0.

ATMs in the part of the Donetsk oblast, occupied by pro-Russian militants, do not work for the second day in a row. This is reported by local residents in social networks.

"As of today morning, ATMs do not operate. Bank employees nervously smoke outside”; "It is just a beginning..."; "No ATMs work in this hole. There is a queue to the ATM on the railway station, but nobody knows when it will start working. Seems that standing in line is the most popular profession in this hole”, - people, who tried to withdraw money the fake “Central Republican Bank”, complain.

The information that ATMs do not work in the zone of occupation is confirmed by the readers of OstroV.

As previously reported, on Wednesday, “Central Republican Bank of the DNR” announced the suspension of cash payments. "Expenditures on customer accounts are temporarily suspended", - the report said. The alleged reason for this is "carrying out preventive works". At the same time, it is reported that "the bank accepts tax payments from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs".

The website of the "bank" has not been working for at least two days.