
Nine Ukrainian servicemen injured, two killed in the JFO zone over the past day 05/22/2018 13:31:23. Total views 743. Views today — 0.

The militants have attacked the JFO forces positions 53 times on May 21: nine Ukrainian soldiers were wounded and two were killed in the course of hostilities. This is reported by press center of the United Forces.

"Over the past day, Russian-occupation troops, disregarding the Minsk agreements and the international humanitarian law, violated the ceasefire 53 times, using 122mm artillery, 120mm and 82mm mortars in 30 cases. The units of the Joint Forces gave an adequate response not allowing the occupants to oust our units from the defensive positions… Two our defenders were killed and another nine were injured in the course of hostilities. All the wounded were evacuated to a hospital and provided with qualified medical assistance", - the report said.

The fighting continued throughout the line of contact.

In the Luhansk direction, the militants became active near the settlement of Troitske.

In the Donetsk direction, the units of the Joint Forces actively defended their positions near Zaitseve, Luhanske, Novoluhanske, Mayorsk, Shumy, Zalizne, Pivdenne, Novhorodske, Avdiivka, Marinka and Novohnativka. In Mariupol direction, the armed hostilities did not abate near Chermalyk, Vodiane and Shyrokyne.

Counter-sniper measures were taken near Avdiivka and Marinka, then the enemy sniper fire was ceased.

During the past day, the enemy resorted to the offensive to oust the JFO forces from the liberated Pivdenne, having attacked from three directions. The enemy made havoc among the civilians of Horlivka and fired directly at Toretsk.

According to the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire, the militants launched 13 mines yesterday at the settlement of Zaitseve.

According to the intelligence, 15 militants were eliminated and another 13 were wounded.