
Schoolchildren of the occupied Donetsk are forced to line up the portrait of the "DNR" leader (PHOTO) 04/25/2018 12:30:41. Total views 871. Views today — 0.

Schoolchildren of the occupied territory of the Donetsk oblast are forced to take part in a flashmob, creating a portrait of the leader of the "DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko at the Olympic stadium in Donetsk, where the rally is scheduled to coincide with the anniversary of the "referendum" in 2014 on May 11. This is reported by users of social networks and the correspondent of OstroV.

According to the creator of the Vostok terrorist battalion Alexander Khodakovsky, the state employees "complained that they were forced to participate in a flashmob on May 11, where they would have to joyfully turn over some sheets, so that the portrait of Zakharchenko would show up".

On Tuesday, a photo from the rehearsal appeared as confirmation of his words:


Such actions are criticized even by ardent supporters of the so-called "DNR":

"It really will happen? It seems to me that it is too much",

"Hundreds of pupils and teachers have to participate in 3 rehearsals for 3 hours. Such a nonsense!",

"Boycott this event. It’s disgusting that they force people to do this",

"Each sector will show from 2 to 3 images. Imagine what and who will be there",

"My consciousness refuses to believe in the scale of this nonsense!".

At the same time, OstroV's correspondent reports that the teaching staff and employees of budget organizations are being forced to participate in this event under the threat of being deprived of wage premium.

Also, the sources talk about fears of the population that the militants can arrange a terrorist attack during the rally at the stadium to blame Ukraine for this.