
About 100 thousand Crimea and Donbass inhabitants will have to be criminally responsible after deoccupation - Senchenko 04/24/2018 17:48:22. Total views 1129. Views today — 0.

According to the draft law "On Forgiveness", approximately 95,000 residents of the occupied Donbass and the Crimea will be subject to criminal liability. Chairman of Sila Prava All-Ukrainian Movement, the People's Deputy of Ukraine of the V-VII convocations Andriy Senchenko told that in an interview with OstroV.

So, according to the draft law developed by Sila Prava, about 15 thousand people in the Crimea and 80 thousand in the Donbass are not subject to forgiveness and they will have to be criminally liable.

"These are those who killed, took part in hostilities against our country, all the heads of law enforcement agencies, the military, who betrayed the oath, etc. They should be punished according to the law", - Senchenko said.

Along with this, the bill envisages for more than 400 thousand inhabitants of Donbass and the Crimea, who committed less serious crimes, the procedure of forgiveness, according to which they will have to confess their crimes and receive an alternative punishment in the form of temporary restriction of rights.

"This is a ban on state and military service, service in law enforcement agencies, work in the judicial system, local self-government bodies. These people also cannot head state institutions, enterprises or organizations, teach and participate in elections (both local and national)", - he explained.

"We are not talking about all the inhabitants of the occupied territories, but only about those who committed a crime of medium and small severity, for which, otherwise, they would have to be imprisoned", - he stressed.

Currently, the bill "On Forgiveness" is being publicly discussed.