
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 04/20/2018 11:39:55. Total views 1192. Views today — 0.

Media: "The first deputy head of the OSCE special monitoring mission, Alexander Hug, arrived in Donetsk on April 19. It is known that he, in particular, plans to visit the Donetsk filtering station. It is expected that the representative of SMM will stay on the territory of the republic for about two or three days".

Media: "The transfer of the remains of the victims of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing to the Dutch side will be held in Donetsk on April 20 with the participation of the OSCE SMM. These are fragments of remains that were discovered in December 2017 by American citizen Patrick Lancaster in the vicinity of Hrabove village".

"Commander of the operational command of the DNR" Denis Sinenkov: "Preparations for the parade on May 9 began. Subdivisions of the republic are training in their military units and ranges".

"People's Militia of the LNR": "The Victory Day parade on May 9 in Luhansk will be significantly different from previous parades. The T-34 tank will take part in the parade and there will also be some other changes".

Media: "Luhanskvoda has stopped water supply to Rovenky due to the emergency repairs".

Media: "Information on the lack of diesel fuel at gas stations of the DNR is false. This was stated by director general of the state enterprise Republican Fuel Company Igor Badusev. "There was a small gap with fuel supply at our gas stations, but to date we have no problems", - he said".

Media: "The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is ready to assist in filming a movie or a series about the war in the Donbass. The First Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Aristarkhov announced this at the conference "The Cultural Space of the Peoples of Russia and Donbass" in Moscow".

Media: "Representatives of the People's Militia of the LNR and the Red Cross Society installed six additional information boards in the frontline areas warning about mine danger".

Media: "Teachers of the DNR and the Russian Federation exchanged experience on the employment of students".

"The MIA of the DNR": "Horlivka police officers found and seized two F-1 grenades with fuses and other ammunition at the place of residence of a 25-year-old local citizen".

"The MIA of the DNR": "Police officers of Donetsk detained a gang of young men who suddenly attacked passers-by on the streets and in parks and beat them, after what they immediately ran away. The attackers recorded their actions and published the videos in social networks".