
Demchishin suspected Akhmetov in organizing miners' protests in western Ukraine 01/27/2016 22:21:22. Total views 1655. Views today — 0.

Miners’ protest in western Ukraine stimulates Rinat Akhmetov’s DTEK energy holding. Minister of Energy and Coal Industry Vladimir Demchishin stated it to the journalists in Kiev on Wednesday, - reports Interfax-Ukraine.

"First of all, all this is happening in the western region - Lviv, Volyn, from where we supply coal to Zakhidenergo. Again, again my "favorite" DTEK: they do not want us to supply that coal, that’s why they stimulate people in different ways to attack me, to go out and not to work. Not to mine coal, which I could sell to Zakhidenergo, - he said.

The Minister added that the government mine shipped 100 thousand tons of coal to Zakhidenergo (owned by DTEK - IF) in 2015, though haven’t received payment from the energy holding.

"We shipped once again about 80 thousand tons this year. They haven’t paid," - concluded V.Demchishin.

According to him, the state budget allocated 500 million UAH to pay the salary debt to the miners in 2016.

"We received 50 million UAH for January, we are offered 180 million for February. We have enough to close the debts ... It is very likely that we will get it on February 1-2. But some take principled stands that it isn’t ok. No matter if they mine coal or not, complete the plan or not. They say it’s not ok, pay the money! "- said V.Demchishin.

According to the Minister, such a position can be explained only by political motives and a desire to "shake up" the situation.