
144 vessels cannot enter Mariupol port due to the Kerch bridge 03/29/2018 18:00:04. Total views 1569. Views today — 0.

Due to the construction of the Kerch bridge by Russia, 144 ships cannot enter the Mariupol port. As a result, the state enterprise will lose about 1.5 million tons of cargo or $9.5 million of net profit. This was announced by the director of the Mariupol Sea Commercial Port Olexandr Oliynyk, - Radio Donbass.Realii reports.

"Now 144 ships, with which we used to work, cannot pass through the Kerch-Yenikal canal to the port of Mariupol. The Russian Federation published an official document that from now on, ships over 33 meters high can no longer pass under the arches of the Kerch bridge", - Olexandr Oliynyk said.

According to him, now many vessels are reoriented to the port of Odessa, which creates significant problems, in particular, for Mariupol enterprises.

"For companies, it has always been profitable to work with Mariupol. We transshipped the products of all the metallurgical plants that were located in the Donetsk oblast. We are now mainly focused on the products of the Mariupol metal plants (4.5 million tons of metal per year)", - he said.

In connection with the military actions, the port lost not only half of the volume of metal products, but also coal and clay. In total, the port lost a cargo base of about 8 million tons.

At the same time, Oliynyk noted that in 2014, when the Russians announced their intention to build a bridge, they asked for information about the technical characteristics of the vessels entering the port of Mariupol, but this information was not taken into account afterwards.

"Russia has violated all obligations that are prescribed by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea", -Oliynyk said.