
Petro Poroshenko appointed General Serhiy Nayev commander of the United Forces. "ATO format will be changed" 03/16/2018 17:25:51. Total views 1348. Views today — 0.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has appointed General-Lieutenant Serhiy Nayev commander of the United Forces. He said this, staying on a visit to ATO zone on Friday, - Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"At my initiative, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law on the reintegration of Donbass, which created a new legal basis for repelling enemy aggression in the Donbass, and in the future – for restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine", – he recalled.

"The format of anti-terrorist operation will be changed to the United Forces operation. The leadership relies on the commander of joint forces with forces and resources of the AFU, other military formations and law enforcement agencies". I decided to appoint General-Lieutenant Serhiy Nayev to this post", – the president stated.