
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 03/02/2018 12:47:29. Total views 1087. Views today — 0.

"Head of the DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko: "First of all, we need to build a development strategy for the DNR both for the near future and for the long term - for 5 and 10 years. In fact, this will be our election agenda".

"Head of the DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko: "I think that an alliance with Russia is the most important priority of the republic's foreign policy. A common future with Russia is our firm choice. Cultural, economic, humanitarian integration is already under way, and we will not turn off this path".

Media: "Chairman of the Russian Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Zinaida Dragunkina announced that on April 19, the conference "Cultural space of the peoples of Russia and the Donbass" would be held in Moscow. She noted that on March 1, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation held an extended meeting of the Committee for Public Support of Residents of the Southeast of Ukraine".

Media: "The LNR trade unions support Pasechnik's decision to run for the post of head of the republic".

"People's militia of the LNR": "People's militia of the LNR admits that AFU prepare an attempt of break-through on the Svitlodar arc".

"The MIA of the LNR": "The activities of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc intensified in the territory of the Luhansk oblast, controlled by Ukraine".

"The MIA of the LNR": "From March 1 to 31, a month of voluntary surrender of weapons, ammunition and explosive materials is held in the republic".

Media: "Young trade union activists of the LNR will participate in educational programs held at the Samara Institute of Trade Union Movement within the work of the integration committee "Russia - Donbass".

"The MIA of the LNR": "Three young people were detained in Antratsyt. They stole 4 Zhiguli cars and committed more than 10 thefts from cars. They stole car radios, batteries, speakers and even car seats. None of them could clearly explain the purpose of their actions. Allegedly, young men decided to start their own business and decided to steal to make an initial capital".

"The MIA of the DNR": "Police officers of Voroshylivsky district of Donetsk promptly detained a 47-year-old man who illegally sold weapons and ammunition. Officers seized two TT pistols and 16 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber from the detainee".