
OSCE is dissatisfied with Ukrainian army advance in "gray zone" in Donbass 03/01/2018 17:24:30. Total views 1820. Views today — 0.

The OSCE monitoring mission thinks that the Ukrainian military breaks Minsk Agreements by taking control of settlements in the so-called "gray zone" in Donbass. This was stated by the deputy head of the OSCE mission in Ukraine Alexander Hug, at a briefing in Kyiv, - OstroV’s correspondent reports.

According to him, the recent arrival of Ukrainian fighters into the small village of Novoaleksandrivka, which was in the "gray zone" of Luhansk oblast, moved the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces even closer to the line of contact. "Such a move, involving a reduction in inter-position distance, inevitably leads to even greater violence", - Hug said.

The representative of the mission recalled that, according to the Minsk agreements, the parties cannot move forward, but must remain on their positions.

"The Minsk agreements are very clear, and any misunderstandings are excluded. In addition to the heavy arms removal, the parties pledged not to advance, and to remain on their positions", - A.Hug said

"Over the past few years, we have a number of examples from different places along the line of contact, when the result of moving forward, closer to the opposing side, increased level of prolonged and unpredictable violence", - he added.