
Kramatorsk court released from liability the surrendered commander of one of the departments of the so-called "Ministry of Defense of the DPR" 01/25/2016 23:46:37. Total views 1135. Views today — 0.

The militant fromYasinovataya, who surrendered to law enforcement officers, was released from criminal responsibility, - reports the press service of the Prosecutor's Office in Donetsk region.

It was found out that the resident of Yasinovataya in Donetsk region joined the ranks of the militants of the "DPR" in June 2014, where he took part in an armed guard duty for the protection of infrastructure in Slovyansk and provided access control at checkpoints.

"The 37-year-old man became the deputy commander of the engineering unit which carried out the fortification work in Shakhtorsk district already in July 2014," - said the statement.

"In addition, continuing his criminal activities, the man took the oath of allegiance to the "people of the "DPR", received the military registration card and was appointed to the position of thecommander of one of the departments of the so-called "Ministry of Defense of the DPR in March." However, being disillusioned with the activities of the terrorist organization, he went to the checkpoint of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and surrendered to soldiers in October 2015. Later the citizen helped solve crimes committed by terrorists during the pre-trial investigation,"- said the statement.

According to Ukrainian lagislation, a person who voluntarily informed law enforcement agencies about terrorist activities, contributed to its termination or the disclosure of crimes committed in connection with the creation or operation of such group or organization, is released from criminal liability.

Taking into consideration the fact that the man surrendered to law enforcement officers and confessed of committing the crime, the decision of the Kramatorsk City Court released him from criminal liability under Part. 1 Art. 258-3 (creation of a terrorist group or a terrorist organization) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.