
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 02/21/2018 11:47:01. Total views 718. Views today — 0.

"Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the LNR" Vladislav Danego: "Poroshenko's signed law on reintegration is a very belated attempt to legalize violence and the use of the army and weapons against the inhabitants of the Donbass. This law will not save Poroshenko and Turchynov from punishment for violating the laws of their own country. And it will not save the country that legitimized the war with the civilian population. The adoption and signing of this law is another round of Kyiv's destructive policy towards the inhabitants of the Donbass".

"Chairman of the People's Council of the DNR" Denis Pushilin: "The law on the reintegration, signed by the Ukrainian president, adopted in violation of the current Ukrainian legislation and international conventions, is only a belated way to legitimize all the violence that is so boldly applied against the inhabitants of the republics".

Media: "Reports on the ban for the DNR residents to travel to the territory of Ukraine since March 1 are untrue and aimed at destabilizing the situation in the republic. This was stated in the administration of the DNR head. Earlier, Zakharchenko signed Decree No. 363, which restricts traveling to the territory of Ukraine, but concerns only certain categories of citizens, primarily officials of state authorities, prosecutors, internal affairs employees, military personnel".

Media: "Head of the DNR Alexander Zakharchenko held a working meeting with first deputy head of the OSCE mission Alexander Hug in Donetsk. Topical issues of humanitarian nature, security and ceasefire issues were raised".

"People's Militia of the LNR": "Servicemen of tank detachments of the People's Militia of the LNR conducted training on shooting from closed positions".

Media: "The DNR postal service departments, including those located near the checkpoints between the DNR and Ukraine, will not work on February 23 in connection with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Media: "Diesel fuel in the LNR is cheaper than in the DNR and in Ukraine by $0.03 and $0.11 respectively".

"Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the DNR" Yelena Molchanova: "Four representatives of the federations of trade unions of the Kursk, Astrakhan and Bryansk oblasts arrived in Donetsk. They will take part in the celebration of the Day of the Trade Union Worker of the DNR. The solemn event will be held on February 21".

"Luhanskvoda state-owned enterprise of the LNR": "Luhanskvoda will stop the water supply to Sverdlovsk, Rovenky and the villages of Krasnodon district from February 21 to February 22 due to the repair of the water pipeline".

"Luhansk City Administration": "113 residents and guests of Luhansk visited the job fair in the capital of the LNR".

"The LNR Ministry of Education and Science": "Luhansk skater came second in the competition, held in the Moscow region".

"The DNR MIA": "Police detained two men, born in 1980 and 1969, on suspicion of committing a robbery in Kyivskyi district of ​​Donetsk. The thieves got into a house through the window and with the use of violence, dangerous for life and health, stole $125, a mobile phone and household appliances from the owner of the house".