
Two Ukrainians were sentenced in "DNR" to 18 and 22 years of prison colony "for espionage" 01/16/2018 14:48:42. Total views 956. Views today — 0.

In the DNR, two Ukrainians were sentenced to 18 and 22 years of imprisonment, having found them guilty of espionage in favor of Ukraine. This was reported by press service of the so-called "Supreme Court of the DNR".

The so-called "military tribunal" heard a criminal case of two citizens of Ukraine, born in 1982 and 1994, "in a closed court hearing" and found them guilty of committing crimes on several articles of the fake "Criminal code of the DNR".

"In the case under consideration, more than twenty episodes of criminal activity of the defendants, acting on the instructions of Ukrainian intelligence service, were registered. The defendants collected information about the deployment of military units, the location of civilian assets, important from the point of view of life support, and the place of residence of commanders of military units", - the report said.