
Russia responds with provocations to Ukraine's introduction of biometric control - State Border Service of Ukraine 01/09/2018 17:48:21. Total views 971. Views today — 0.

Russian party responds with provocative actions to Ukraine's introduction of biometric control when crossing the state border of Ukraine. This was stated by first deputy head of the State Border Service of Ukraine Vasyl Servatiuk, - press service of the MIA of Ukraine reports.

"As we expected, during the holidays, there were provocative actions against our citizens on the part of the Russian Federation in connection with the introduction of biometric control. Only today, Russian party has refused to let 18 of our vehicles pass, without drawing up relevant documents and explaining the reasons", - Servatiuk said.

According to him, the State Border Service of Ukraine expects even more provocations on the part of the aggressor country. Therefore, the checkpoints are strengthened with equipment and personnel.

Servatiuk noted that since the beginning of the year, 29 thousand foreigners, including 24 thousand Russians, have passed the biometric control.

Vasyl Servatiuk noted that only for the last three days, the border guards registered 48 responses from Interpol databases.

As previously reported, on January 1, 2018, the system of latching biometric data for citizens of 71 countries began to operate. But as early as December 27, Ukraine launched a biocontrol test regime on the border with Russia.

Biometric control on the administrative border with the occupied Crimea does not apply to citizens of Ukraine who live on the peninsula.

The new system of latching biometric data not only makes it possible to control the period of stay in a country, but is also connected to the Interpol databases. Passports, ID-cards, driving licenses and even registration certificate are being checked at the border.