
Exchange: the "DNR" militants demanded and received a "captive" robber, convicted of murder - Media 12/29/2017 16:55:10. Total views 1065. Views today — 0.

Within the exchange of prisoners, the Ukrainian side gave the "DNR" a resident of Mariupol, convicted of robbery and murder, "Timer" publication reports.

It is noted that militants demanded for exchange and received from Ukraine a resident of Mariupol, Serhiy Kharaja, whom in July 2016 was sentenced to 14 years in prison by the Berdiansk court with confiscation for murdering his acquaintance for robbing.

"According to the investigation, when the entrepreneur went for the goods, Kharaja asked to come with him. The murderer took a revolver with Flaubert's cartridge, modified for firing live ammunition. Kharaja killed the entrepreneur and another person with that weapon. Then disappeared with a booty of $5350", - the newspaper reports.

It notes that this released "prisoner" has nothing to do with the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine.