
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 12/20/2017 12:02:02. Total views 965. Views today — 0.

Media: "Russian and Ukrainian officers in the JCCC left Luhansk. This was reported by representative of the People's Militia of the LNR".

Media: "Despite the suspension of work of Russian officers, the DNR office in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire (JCCC) is ready to continue working as usual, as well as to conduct a dialogue with representatives of the OSCE SMM and the Ukrainian party. This was stated by head of the republic's office in the JCCC Ruslan Yakubov".

Media: «Представительство ДНР в СЦКК выразило надежду, что вопрос возобновления работы российских офицеров в составе СЦКК будет поднят на предстоящей встрече в Минске. Об этом заявил руководитель представительства Руслан Якубов».

Media: "Between December 19 and 20, a delegation of parliamentarians and staffers of the People's Council of the DNR will visit the Ulyanovsk oblast of the Russian Federation to exchange experience with their Russian colleges as part of the integration program".

"Donetsk City Administration": "Deputy head of the Administration of Donetsk Boris Kulayev held an operational meeting of the city administration. The first issue discussed was the results of sports and athletic meeting among the staff of Donetsk administration and passing of the GTO (Ready for Labor and Defenсe) standards".

Media: "The DNR head appointed Nikolay Vinokurov to the position of acting mayor of Komsomolske".

"The LNR State Customs Committee": "The LNR State Customs Committee fulfilled plan indicators for the collection of customs and other payments, established for 2017, prior to the scheduled date".

"The DNR MIA": "In Horlivka, the DNR detectives identified a previously convicted resident of Horlivka, who sold arms and ammunition, and detained red-handed during the sale of three RGD-5 grenades".

Media: "Police Dog Service of the DNR Ministry of Emergency Situations received dogs from the Russian colleagues, specially trained for search and rescue operations".

Media: "In 2017, Luhanskvoda LNR state-owned enterprise charged subscribers more than $17 thousand fines for illegal tie-ins".

"The LNR Prosecutor General's Office": "As a result of collective appeal of employees of one of the city schools, Krasnodon district prosecutor's office inspected the activity of educational institution on compliance with legal requirements in the course of economic activity. According to the results of inspection, it was established that the deputy director for educational work of the institution, acting unlawfully, wrote in the official document - "timesheet for September 2017", inaccurate information regarding the attendance of a teacher of vocational subjects in the period of time from September 1 to September 8, 2017. In accordance with the above mentioned document, the teacher was credited and paid wage for the specified period of time. It was established in the course of inspect that this teacher was in the territory of Ukraine during the specified period of time. According to the results of inspection, a criminal case was opened against the director of the educational institution on the fact of forgery, based on component elements of a crime, provided for in Part 1 of Art. 362 of the Criminal Code of the LNR".

Media: "The LNR women's national fencing team won the tournament cup in the DNR".

Media: "The DNR athletes submitted 25 applications for participation in the national badminton tournament".