
Iryna Herashchenko predicts escalation at the front and imposition of direct dialogue with "republics" 12/18/2017 12:50:02. Total views 1000. Views today — 0.

The fact of Russia's withdrawal of its representatives of the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire (JCCC) may indicate a possible escalation of situation at the front line in Donbass, as well as become an instrument for imposing a direct dialogue with militants of the terrorist "republics". This opinion was expressed by the first deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Iryna Herashchenko, commenting on the analysis of situation, made by the editor-in-chief of OstroV news agency Serhiy Harmash on his Facebook.

According to the journalist, the withdrawal of Russian officers from the JCCC is "continuation of the implementation of Putin's strategy to impose Kyiv a direct negotiating process with the "DNP/LNR"".

"The matter is that the JCCC was a link between the Ukrainian military and Russian mercenaries, through which they resolved the repair of damaged communications (providing both parties), agreed on the transfer of bodies of the dead, etc. That is, the Russians were intermediaries in solving important issues, affecting interests on both sides of the line of demarcation. Now all these issues will not disappear (repair of broken power lines, the Donetsk filtering station, etc.), but the JCCC actually ceases to exist, accordingly, Ukraine have to agree either to the presence of representatives of the militants in it, or have to negotiate directly with the terrorists", - he gives reasons for his point of view.

In turn, Iryna Herashchenko believes that we cannot disregard the military component of this step of the Russian authorities.

"Here is two-in-one - both the possibility of escalation (of situation at the front in ATO zone - OstroV), and the imposition of direct dialogue, including through escalation", - the people's deputy predicts.