
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 12/15/2017 10:57:02. Total views 927. Views today — 0.

Media: "Deputies of the People's Council of the DNR passed the bill on ratification of the treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between the DNR and the Republic of South Ossetia in two readings. The treaty is intended to raise relations between the states to a qualitatively new official level".

Media: "The Prosecutor General's Office of the DNR will transfer the remains of victims of the crash of Malaysian Boeing, recently found after the official request of the Dutch authorities. This was stated by head of the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General's Office Roman Belous. Bone fragments were discovered by the U.S. citizen Patrick Lancaster in the area of Hrabove village".

"Luhansk City Administration": "From the beginning of the year, Luhansk Mayor's Office helped to return about $4350 to the deceived consumers".

Media: "Employees of the Donetsk Zasyadko Mine put a new mine into operation. Lava will give 1000 tons of coal daily with a non-factored load, director of the mine Andrey Necheporenko told reporters. According to him, coal from this lava will go to the needs of iron and steel works and Zuivska power station. The reserves are estimated at 420 thousand tons".

Media: "About 20 primary substations to improve the quality of communication of Phoenix Republican mobile operator were purchased in Malaysia in 2017. This was reported by Minister of Communications of the DNR Viktor Yatsenko. "This month, we will put into service about 20 primary substations, which we have brought from Malaysia. We found a supplier there who agreed to provide the equipment. This will fundamentally solve the problem of "missed calls" in the republic", - the minister said".

"Donetsk City Administration": "Warming centres operate in all districts of the city".

Media: "International conference on the prospects of employment of graduates of higher educational institutions started its work in Donetsk with participation of about 200 specialists from the DNR, the LNR and Russia".

Media: "The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of the DNR reported on the days off and holidays that would be celebrated in the republic in 2018. New Year's holidays – December 29, 30, 31, January 1, 2. Christmas – January 7. Defender of the Fatherland Day – February 23, 24, 25. International Women's Day – March 8, 9, 10, 11. Easter – April 7, 8, 9. Holiday of Spring and Labor - April 29, 30, May 1. Victory Day and Republic Day – May 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Trinity – May 26, 27, 28. Unity Day – November 3, 4, 5".

"The LNR MIA": "The MIA of the LNR conducts an investigation against the director of one of the state-owned unitary enterprises on the fact of misappropriation and embezzlement of the property, entrusted to him. The enterprise suffered damage amounting to $8620. The suspect confesses to the offense".

"The LNR Ministry of Culture": "Republican New Year's party will be held in the circus on December 27 with participation of the acting head of the LNR".