
Ukraine will not change the language article of the law "On Education" - Hrynevych 12/13/2017 13:39:40. Total views 1142. Views today — 0.

Conclusion of the Venice Commission regarding the "language article" of the Law "On Education" does not oblige Ukraine to amend this article 7. Minister of Education and Science Liliya Hrynevych told this to journalists before the government meeting on Wednesday", - Ukrinform reports.

"We will not make any changes to Article 7 of the Law "On Education". In fact, recommendations of the Venice Commission only mean that it is necessary to extend the transition period, especially for those national minorities for whom studying Ukrainian language is difficult", - Hrynevych said.

According to her, we must formulate a model of education for national minorities in the law on general secondary education on these conclusions.

As previously reported, on September 25, President Petro Poroshenko signed the Law "On Education", some provisions of which, in particular Art. 7 regarding the language of education in Ukraine, have caused concern in several countries. Poroshenko instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Science to hold consultations with European partners, including the Council of Europe, on this law.

On September 28, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin referred the 7th article of the Law "On Education" to the Venice Commission.

On December 8, the Venice Commission issued a statement regarding the "language article" of the Law "On Education". In particular, the Commission recommends to amend the Law "On Education" in order to provide more time for piecemeal reform; free private schools from new language requirements; introduce a new dialogue with all the parties concerned in the course of implementation of the law and, finally, ensure that implementation of the law does not threaten the preservation of cultural heritage of minorities and the continuity of study of the language of national minorities in traditional schools.