
Rada removed from its agenda the bill on simplified procedure for the NABU leadership dismissal - MP 12/07/2017 11:21:14. Total views 1007. Views today — 0.

On December 7, the Verkhovna Rada will not consider a bill allowing the parliament to express distrust and dismiss the leadership of anti-corruption bodies. This was reported by People's Deputy Mustafa Nayyem on Facebook.

According to him, the secretariats of the parliamentary factions received an updated agenda, in which there is no project No. 7362.

"The bill that gave the parliament the right to sole dismissal of the head of the NABU, Specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office and members of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption is removed from the agenda and will not be considered by the Verkhovna Rada", - the MP wrote.

"Someday, the events of this night will go down in the history books. Now, the sobriety of individual politicians, the reaction of the public, the media and personal contacts of many activists in international organizations have played an important role in this story", - he added.

As previously reported, Bill No. 7362 "On Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Ensuring Parliamentary Control" provided for a simplified procedure for the dismissal of the management of the NABU. The bill was introduced to the Rada on December 6 by the heads of the factions Petro Poroshenko Bloc and the Peope’s Front, Artur Herasimov and Maksym Burbak. These actions of parliamentarians provoked sharp criticism of Ukraine's international partners.