
There are suspicions that Yanukovych's team financed Saakashvili - the PPB 12/05/2017 12:39:13. Total views 810. Views today — 0.

The searches and detention of Mikheil Saakashvili occur in connection with the suspicion that he was funded by representatives of the former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. This was said by the head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction Artur Herasymov today at a meeting of the parliament, OstroV’s correspondent reports.

"I would like to dwell on the events that are taking place around the Ukrainian law enforcement bodies. Taking into account what is happening today and the fact that the evidence is obtained, the current searches are due to the fact that there are solid suspicions that Saakashvili's team was financed by Yanukovych’s team, in particular Kurchenko", - he said.

"I invite all the deputies to vote for the invitation of the leadership of the General Prosecutor’s Office, the SBU, National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office to the parliament hall", - he addressed the MPs.