
Chief public security official for Luhansk was sent from the "DNR Ministry of State Security" 11/28/2017 18:25:00. Total views 993. Views today — 0.

The newly-appointed "minister" of the so-called "LNR Ministry of State Security" Anatoliy Antonov previously was the first deputy "minister of State Security" in the unrecognized "DNR". This is evidenced by the "decree" of the republic's leader Alexander Zakharchenko.

Having worked only 4 months in this "post", Antonov was sent as "minister" to the "friendly" Luhansk "republic".

As previously reported, the "LNR" authorities reported that the so-called "Ministry of State Security of the LNR" was headed by Anatoliy Antonov.

The fake "Ministry of State Security" was previously headed by the current leader of the "LNR" Leonid Pasechnik.

As previously reported, having flagrantly violated the already null and void "constitution", Leonid Pasechnik declared himself temporarily assuming the responsibilities of "head of the LNR". The military coup d'etat, in the course of which a change of power occurred, was held in Luhansk with the active support of the so-called "DNR Ministry of State Security".

There is no additional information about the past merits of the new "minister" of punitive agencies of the "LNR" militants.