
"DNR" and "LNR" announced the inevitability of "Novorossia" unification. But the Minsk agreements hinder 11/28/2017 16:30:47. Total views 918. Views today — 0.

The so-called "authorities" of the "DNR" and the "LNR" consider the creation of "Novorossia" an inevitable process. This was stated in the "leadership" of pseudo-republics, - Izvestiya writes.

"In general, unification is possible. It requires an optimal moment. In my opinion, it is much easier and more effective to solve a number of issues with one leadership", — "chairman" of the "DNR" "People's Council" Denis Pusilin said.

However, the pseudo-republics consider the Minsk agreements an obstacle for this.

"The matter is in the Minsk agreements, two republics are their signatories. If we create Novorossia now, then question about the Minsk agreements immediately arises", — "deputy chairman" of the "LNR" "People's Council" Dmitriy Khoroshilov explained.