
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 11/24/2017 11:21:36. Total views 731. Views today — 0.

"People's Militia of the LNR": "Three AFU saboteurs were killed and two were wounded when they attempted to infiltrate the positions of People's Militia of LNR for provocations in the area of Frunze urban-type settlement on November 23".

"State Bank of the LNR": "All branches of the LNR State Bank operate as usual, ATMs also function smoothly".

"The LNR MIA": "Specialists of the MIA determined power and type of device, the explosion of which occurred near the Luhansk Diesel Locomotive Plant. According to preliminary data, the explosion equivalent was about 200 grams in TNT equivalent. As a result of the incident, there are no significant injuries or damage, the circumstances of the incident are being clarified".

"The DNR MIA": "Sector of the Migration Service of the Leninsky District Police Department of Donetsk invites citizens, living in the territory of the district, to submit documents for passport of the DNR citizen".

"The DNR Ministry of Emergency Situations": "28 cars of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of the Russian Federation with humanitarian cargo arrived in Donetsk. Its total weight is 364 tons. It included about 260 tons of food - 36 279 food sets for children up to a year and from one to three years. As part of the humanitarian cargo, there are also about 100 tons of medicines and 100 kilograms of target cargo with children's gifts from the Ministry for Emergency Situations of Russia for children of the rescue personnel of the DNR".

"The LNR Ministry of Emergency Situations": "15 Russian rescue vehicles delivered humanitarian aid in Luhansk with a total weight of 162 tons, including 134 tons of food kits for children under the age of three, 27 tons of medicines, one ton of medical equipment".

"The DNR MIA": "Follow a hot scent, police officers identified and detained a 58-year-old attacker in the Kirovskyi district of Donetsk, who killed a 37-year-old woman in the entrance of his house".

"The DNR MIA": "Follow a hot scent, law-enforcement officers of the DNR detained a man in Yenakiieve, suspected of theft and two murders. The malefactor faces a capital punishment".

"The LNR MIA": "In Luhansk, a man voluntarily surrendered an automatic rifle and ammunition to the police. According to Luhansk resident, he found weapons and ammunition in a forest plantation".

Media: "Priests consecrated a memorial cross, installed at the entrance to Mykhailivka urban-type settlement in the Perevalsky district of the LNR. The height of construction, installed on November 16, is eight meters, and the mass – one and a half tons".

"Rector of Donetsk Academy of Motor Transport" Irina Englesi: "About a hundred graduates of the Academy obtained diplomas of Russian universities since 2015".

Media: "Hearthstone game in the DNR tournament was replaced by a more modern CS:GO at the request of gamers".

"The DNR MIA": "In Yenakiieve, law-enforcement officers efficiently detained a local resident, who tried to steal a couple of new shoes. According to the seller, the man changed his shoes in the salesroom, and then left the place without paying. The law-enforcement officers detained him in a few minutes".