
The EU recognizes the "outstanding work" of the Ukrainian authorities on reforms 01/19/2016 12:41:45. Total views 1157. Views today — 0.

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini noted the success of reforms in Ukraine on January 18th during the European Council at the level of Ministries of Foreign Affairs. This is stated in the statement on the official website of the EU, – reports RBK-Ukraina.

As reported, during the discussion of the situation in Ukraine the emphasis was, for the first time, put not on the Minsk Agreement, the fulfillment of which the EU fully supports but on the implementation reforms in the country. In particular, Mogherini pointed out the reform of the judiciary sytem, the public administration sector, as well as the reform of the decentralization of power in Ukraine.

The EU is reported to recognizeby the "outstanding work conducted Ukrainian authorities in recent months to ensure that concrete measures are taken to advance the reform plans".

Mogherini noted that reforms should be continued in Ukraine.