
"We need to fight against this infection". Not everyone in the Ukrainian government wants to return the Donbass - Tuka 10/31/2017 14:33:20. Total views 744. Views today — 0.

There are people with a position of secession of the occupied Donbass in the government environment of Ukraine. This was said today during the discussion "Return of the occupied territories of Donbass. Ukrainian plan" in Kyiv by Deputy Minister for the Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons Heorhiy Tuka, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

"In my opinion, that infection of the secession (of the occupied Donbass, - OstroV) is the reverse side of the same separatism, it penetrated into society so deeply that from one official of our state, I privately heard the thesis: "Why should we return the Donbass, do you imagine how much money will be needed?". And this person is engaged in the development and implementation of state policy", - he said.

Tuka expressed his confidence that there are people with a position on the separation of the occupied Donbass from Ukraine in the Ukrainian government environment.

"I do not even talk about parliamentarians and representatives of local authorities. This infection already exists and it must be fought against until it became dominant", - the official noted.

He also added that if the Donbass is separated from Ukraine, Russia will continue to seize other Ukrainian territories.