
"This is a very dangerous precedent: the change of borders in Europe by using force" - the President of Poland on Ukraine 01/18/2016 22:44:06. Total views 1233. Views today — 1.

President of Poland Andrzej Duda called to fulfill a truce agreement in Ukraine as the change of borders by using force is contrary to international law. He said this in Brussels during the press conference after the meeting with President of the European Council Donald Tusk, - said the Polish Radio.

According to Duda, the situation in Ukraine is of great importance for Poland, and it counts on the support of the chairman of the EP in this matter at the EU forum.

"This is a very dangerous precedent: the change of borders in Europe by using force in violation of the principles of international law. Only adhering to international law is an absolute guarantee of peace. If we unpunish the violation of international law, the peace will always be under threat. We have experience of wars and we remember the events from the lessons of history - we would like them never to happen again,"- said the Polish President.