
In Luhansk, the militants resumed massive shelling - regional administration 10/19/2017 18:05:52. Total views 796. Views today — 0.

Participants of illegal armed formations violated the ceasefire 14 times during the past day along the line of demarcation in the Luhansk oblast, the press service of the Luhansk regional state administration reports.

In particular, in the direction of Popasna, Novotoshkivske, Novozvanivka, Novoaleksandrivka and Troitske, fire was opened 10 times from 120mm and 82mm mortars, anti-tank and automatic grenade launchers, heavy machine guns, and small arms.

The positions of the Ukrainian forces near the villages Krymske, Lobacheve and Kryakivka of Novoaydarsky district were shelled four times by 120-mm mortars, automatic grenade launchers and small arms.

The ATO forces had to open fire in return. Information on losses and destruction was not received.