
Rada sent both bills on the abolition of parliamentary immunity for the CC’s consideration 10/19/2017 15:45:51. Total views 776. Views today — 0.

The Verkhovna Rada forwarded both bills on the abolition of deputy immunity for the Constitutional Court’s consideration: the one that was submitted to the parliament by President Petro Poroshenko, and an alternative one from a group of deputies, LIGA.net reports.

336 people's deputies voted to include in the agenda and to send to the Constitutional Court a draft amendment to Article 80 of the Constitution regarding the immunity of MPs №7203. The document provides for the abolition of a provision whereby a deputy cannot be prosecuted, detained or arrested without the consent of the parliament. Changes are proposed to be implemented from January 1, 2020, that is, for the parliament of the IX convocation.

Also, the Rada sent a deputy project №6773 for CC’s revision. For this, 328 deputies voted.

If the Constitutional Court gives a positive conclusion on the bill, the deputies will be able to consider it in the first reading. They will need at least 226 votes to make a decision. In general, MPs will be able to vote for changes only at the next session, that is, in the fall of 2018. This was stated by the representative of the president Iryna Lutsenko. It will be necessary to collect a minimum of 300 votes to make a decision on changes in the Constitution as a whole.

"A certain time will pass, we will receive a conclusion (of the CC - Ed.). The Constitution presupposes the adoption of the bill in the first reading at one session, and the vote in the second reading at another session. This process will begin in the autumn of 2018", - she explained.

Earlier, 150 deputies introduced a bill №6773, which proposed abolition of immunity on the next day after the publication of the law.